Friday, December 21, 2012

During our Holiday party one of the activities was to dress up a classmate with toilet paper and winter clothes. Please look closely to see who is disguised as a toilet paper snowman.Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Plannning a Thanksgiving Meal

During math, the class has been using grocery ads to make a $100.00 Thanksgiving Feast. Each pair of students were to use their math skills making a grocery list, and then making a guest list and menu.

Happy PJ Day!

Celebrating our last day before Thanksgiving Break working hard in our PJ's.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Learning to write a conversation silently!

In order to improve our writing, we are learning how to add conversation to our writing. The students had to work with a partner and and write a silent conversation for 5 min.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Take a look at some of the Halloween costumes in Mrs.Olson's class! Justin was Just In Case and Layla was Frankenstein's Daughter! They were cool!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

P.I. Matthew and Justin

During science we are investigating and exploring physical and chemical properties of matter. The class has had a taste of what what a scientists work consists of. We have been writing in our journals, following procedures, and conducting experiments.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Factor and Array Game

Today we played a math game where you choose an array card. You can only pick up an array card if you know the dimensions. If you get it right you write it down in the "facts I know pile." If you got it wrong you write it down in the "facts I don't know" pile.
                                                                                                           Written by:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mystery Bags

This week we've been leaning about the five senses in science. We were brainstorming about property words and how to describe objects. Today Mrs.Olson put objects in a bag and our job was to describe what we felt. Then, we had to guess what the object was. After that we took the object out of the bag to see if our prediction was right.
                                                                                                Writen by: Andrew B.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Learning to Classify

Each week we will be introducing new vocabulary words for the students to study. This week we worked on classifying words into groups. We began our activity by trying to classify Lego's before we began our word classifying.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Don't Judge a Person by Their Shoes!

Today we read a book called, Chrysanthemum written by, Kevin Henkes. We discussed how each person is special in their own way. Nobody should be judged by the way they look or by their name. As a fun activity, we put all of our shoes in a pile and randomly tried other pairs of shoes on. After discussing the charater traits for the the different characters in the story, we learned what the saying, never  judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes.

First Day of Fourth Grade

Anthony and Justin enjoy their Welcome Bag with special treats on their first day of fourth grade!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fresh and Clean

A room with fresh Clementines and cloves makes for a nice spring fresh smell in our class.

Pomander Balls

Making Pomander Balls after doing some research that explorers placed cloves in their fruit to keep it fresh over long periods of time.

Exlporer Trading Cards

Researchers trying to work diligently to meet their deadline of Friday at 2:00 p.m.

Explorer Trading Cards

Two architects designing a ship for their Scandinavian Explorer to sail on.

Explorer Research Trading Cards

Students working in teams to research their famous explorers. Each group will be making trading cards and mini biographies of their explorer.

Explorer Trading Cards

Students researching famous Explorers to make a Trading Card with a small biography.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Is using an electric pencil sharpener easier than sharpening by hand?
Learning to sew with a needle, a plastic one ofcourse. Students are trying to see if sewing is any easier using a needle or just using their hands.

Science lab experimenting with simple machines. Is it easier to cut clay with a knife or using your bare hands?

Spoolmobile Race

The big race! If you would like to know who the winner was, please ask your child and have them describe why.

Preparing our Spoolmobiles for the big race. We created two different spools to see which spoolmobile would travel a further distance.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be careful, you never know when Mrs. Olson is going to take your picture. SMILE!

Some friends working on a extremely hard Valentine's Day crossword Puzzle. Ok, maybe they are just enjoying some quality fun at school.
Excitedly handing out invitations to friends to wish them a Happy Valentine's Day!
Here are some friends frosting and decorating cookies for our Valentine's Celebration. Watch out the sugar is about to kick in.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012