Friday, February 17, 2012

Is using an electric pencil sharpener easier than sharpening by hand?
Learning to sew with a needle, a plastic one ofcourse. Students are trying to see if sewing is any easier using a needle or just using their hands.

Science lab experimenting with simple machines. Is it easier to cut clay with a knife or using your bare hands?

Spoolmobile Race

The big race! If you would like to know who the winner was, please ask your child and have them describe why.

Preparing our Spoolmobiles for the big race. We created two different spools to see which spoolmobile would travel a further distance.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be careful, you never know when Mrs. Olson is going to take your picture. SMILE!

Some friends working on a extremely hard Valentine's Day crossword Puzzle. Ok, maybe they are just enjoying some quality fun at school.
Excitedly handing out invitations to friends to wish them a Happy Valentine's Day!
Here are some friends frosting and decorating cookies for our Valentine's Celebration. Watch out the sugar is about to kick in.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012