Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Does Matter Matter?

We have begun our science unit on Mystery Matter. Students have been testing substances with different acids and bases. Students are playing investigators and trying to figure out a crime scene based on evidence they are testing.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Turkey Trot Winner

Congratulations to Kennedy Pino who finished in 2nd place for the Annual Turkey Trot!!! Brynna Schultz won a Turkey and Olivia Rice won a football. Way to go Olson Team!!!! A big thank you to Mr. Mantell for all of the organizing and hosting this fun activity at Bernabi! :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Thank you to all parents who volunteered their time and supplies! The class had a great day filled with many creative activities.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Students Teaching

Nick showed the class his thinking and how to solve a large multiplication expression by using two arrays and an algebraic equation. Students sometimes learn better from each other.

Active Reading and Complex Text

Students worked in small groups collaborating and using active reading strategies to investigate what unit in Social Studies we will begin. Ask your child if they were successful in figuring out what we unit we will begin!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mystery Symbol

Students had to use their critical thinking skills and active reading skills to investigate some complex reading and video clips to guess what our next Social Studies unit will be.

Factors and Multiples

Students learned a game about finding factors and multiples of numbers. They played in small groups using their critical thinking, and collaborations skills.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

See, Think, Wonder

We have been working on showing our thinking to help with comprehension while reading. Students were broken into 6 groups and given a  different picture. Each group had to collaborate, communicate and use critical thinking skills to write down what they saw, thought, and wondered about their pictures.

Solving Muti Step Math Problems

On Friday, students were working in pairs on solving multi step word problems. Students were required to write an equation, number the steps, solve and check each problem.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thinking While Reading Equals Meaningful Reading!

We read a story and listened to a song called, Don't Laugh at Me by Mark Willis. While the class was reading the text we were adding green pieces of paper to a salad bowl to represent text. During the story students were sharing examples of what their brain was thinking while reading. At that time, students would add red paper to the salad bowl to represent the readers thinking. The point was, in order to be a good reader you must be thinking while reading to make it meaningful. A salad would not be good with just lettuce but other vegetables too!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Getting to Know You!

Students received Skittles to sort by color and tally. Once they finished tallying the colors they had quesitons to answer. For example, if a student had 4 red Skittles they had to name 4 books they have read.

Monday, September 9, 2013

We are all different!

We read a story called Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes and discussed how we are all special and different in our own way. We put all of  our shoes in a pile and tried to fit into someone elses shoes. Ask  your child the point of this activity.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Our first day of school with a bag of treats from Mrs. Olson! :)

Are you a bucket filler or dipper?

We read a story called, Have You Filled a Bucket Today, by Carol McCloud. Ask your child if they are a bucket filler or bucket dipper and why!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Guest Reader

Diane Mogavero and Standford came to read to our class this afternoon. Lot's of studetns were able to pet the dog and receive a big wet lickery kiss. Or dog slobber!

Guest Reader and Former Bernabi Teacher

Mrs. DeMott was our guest reader today! A few of her old students were so excited to see her. She read two outstanding stories, Bad Case of Stripes, and Mr. Peabody's Apples and the whole class was mesmerized.

Look who lights up our class!

Guess who lights up our class?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Manners Award!

Congratulations to Megan Frisbee for earning the Manners Award! Megan is always respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. She is a great friend and always willing to help her peers.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Book Unveiling!!!

I was so incredibly proud of my class for taking their writing through the entire writing process. The class was so excited about their accomplishment and so was I. I know I will cherish the first class that published a book, I hope they will too!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Catapulting is a great way to see how we can make work easier. Lifting a Cheerio is very difficult, and we need a simple machine to help. The goal of today's lesson was to investigate if moving the location of the fulcrum affected the distance of the Cheerio.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Each Kindness

Today during Writer's Workshop we read a story called, Each Kindness, written by Jacqueline Woodson. The main idea of the story was that even the small acts of kindness can change the world. After reading and discussing the story, each student was able to place a marble in a bowl of water and tell an act of kindness they have done. We watched the ripples of water and discussed how one act of kindness travels along way.
During science we investigated with how far an ice cube slides across different types of surfaces. The class realized that the rougher the material the ice cube traveled less. We have been discussing friction and how the rougher the surface, the more friction something has.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bernabi Goes Green

The students in the Bernabi Goes Green Cluster were discussing how to recycle, what to recycle, and what happens to things you recycle. They were fortunate enough to have a representative from The Department of Environmental Services to educate them on recycling. For example, if a number on the bottom of a product in the triangle is 5,6, or 7  it is recycled into fleece.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Congratulations to Oriana for her earning our Friendship Aware! She earned our Super Star Role Model Award last week!

Check out our Native American Tribal Posters. The class was split up into 5 groups to research and design a poster about their chosen tribe.