Monday, December 15, 2014

STEM Challenge

Learning the method of problem solving a STEM project. Thinking like an engineer. 

  Students are trying to read the directions to the project and make a chamber to keep an ice cube cool.
 Weighing the results of what was left in the refrigeration chambers ad comparing their results.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Buddy Day with our First Grade Friends

Today we spent the afternoon with our friends in first grade making a craft. It was great to have a fun holiday activity that all could enjoy with some new friends.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Learning Tree

We have been reading a picture book a day to discuss character traits and work on our comprehension strategies. This was a great story about tolerance and perseverance. Please feel free to ask you child about this wonderful story.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Character Trait Awards

Congratulatins to Emma and Damarius for demonstrating the character trait of friendship  and smiles each day. They were given a certifcate at our first assembly from a specials area teacher and myself for their continuous friendhip skills and great role modeling each day in school. Way to go Emma and Damairus! :)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Turkey Trot 2014-2015

 Getting directions about the Turkey Trot and how this is a fun event. Students were spoken to about making their own personal running goals and not worrying about winning and losing but having fun!!!

Looks like our two new Bernabi students had to prove something to their new classmates! We are proud of you Julia and Damarius! Way to go!

Haudenasonee Days at the Rochester Museum and Science Center

Story Telling.......

 Damarius, Sammy and Mrs. Scoppo looking closely at some hand made jewelry.
Frank getting a lesson on how to be a firm Native American if someone threatened his clan.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Math Stations

During math stations, students are broken up into differentiated groups. Above you will see some students working on the Associative Property of Multiplication and showing their thinking on whiteboards.

Eagle Song

Students are enjoying a realistic fiction novel, Eagle Song  written by Dan Andreasen. They are learning about the life of an Iroquois boy moving to a suburban neighborhood and the struggles he encounters. Above you will see two students looking for evidence in their text to support their answers to comprehension questions.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

We had a great fall day to enjoy some time learning about the Erie Canal and the function and history of the Urger. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Making Graffiti Boards

After reading the story, Have You Filled a Bucket Today students made colorful posters thinking of all the ways to fills someones bucket. We also watched Kid President, 20 Things to Say More Often.

First Day

Excite about their Welcome Bags on the first day of school! Excited to begin a new year with some fresh faces. :)