Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Skyping with our friends in Malawi Africa

 Face time surprise with our new pen pals!
 Each child was able to introduce themselves to their assigned pen pal.
 Students waving to us and singing us a song that had the word Bernabi in it.
 The treat bags that were sent over to each child in Africa from our class!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Ms. Campo enjoying our 4th grade party too! :)

The class was able to talk Ms. Campo into playing the mystery game. Ask your child what this activity was!

Halloween 2015

                                                  Making spider Oreo cookies!
                                                    Face painting!
                                                 More spiders!
                                             Craft center with a Little Nerd and Skeleton!

Thank you to all of the parents who donated items and their time to help us celebrate and have a fun day together!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

On the second day of school we read a story called Chrysanthemum. The story lead us into a conversation about how everyone is different and unique in their own way. Our class has zero tolerance for bullying or making fun of other children. Please ask your child why they had other shoes on.
The class read Miss Nelson is Missing! We discussed classroom rules and expectations and wrote them down to sign and share with parents.

Welcome bags!!!!

First Day before the students arrived! Can't wait to meet my new class! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Supporting Patrick from Churchville

Our class supported another student in next door in Churchville who is battling cancer. We wore green for Patrick and discussed  the many reasons why we do things like this and how blessed we truly are.

Golden Keyboard Award

Grades 3-5 have been working on their keyboarding skills. Julia and Cian were the winners in our 4th grade class typing the fastest with the highest accuracy using home row. Way to go!

Our class was challenged to take certain materials to make a marble run. The goal was to build a marble run that would allow the marble to travel the furthest.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

STEM Leprechaun Traps

Students had to create a Leprechaun trap with their STEM Team. All students had to make a question  that their trap would answer, list the supplies needed, create a plan, draw an image, and finally  create the trap.  I was very impressed with the amount of creativity, and thought that went into this.

The Leprechaun was very sneaky and was able to get into each trap and leave some gold chocolate for team members! :) At the end of the day yesterday each group had to reflect and analyze what they did and make notes on how to modify their trap next time.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Knex STEM Project

Take a look at our STEM creation this week. Students had to choose an object to create and then draw it to scale. Once the project had been created students had to fill out a worksheet answering questions about the creating, and collaboration process. Very creative creatures brought to room 206!

Secret Soldier

One of my favorite true courageous stories about a young girl Deborah Sampson who is trying to survive because her family is too poor to take of her during the late 1700's. How does Deborah enlist and survive the war? Keep asking you child for the details.